At Mount Sinai, God started the first publishing ministry. First He spoke to Moses and then He wrote the Ten Commandments.
Therefore the spoken word and the written word must go together. Exodus 31:18
Prophets wrote their Visions and Dreams on scrolls and Paul wrote his epistles on scrolls.
We print our revelations on paper and bring it to you as book, a monthly magazine Chariots of Fire transcribed from the sermons of our beloved Senior Pastor Oswin Jamestudd. His powerful , anointed and prophetic revelations from the word of God will definitely open your eyes to the spiritual reality and you will live victorious fulfilling your divine purpose in this world!
If you would like to receive a copy by post, we will be happy to send one.
Please feel free to reach us in WhatsApp at +91 6364-066792 to grab a copy of yours!